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Bonus Insights: Michelle Garres - Director Distribution & Logistics Projects EMEA, Crocs

Bonus Insights: Michelle Garres - Director Distribution & Logistics Projects EMEA, Crocs

With 22 years' experience in Supply Chain, Michelle Garres has held various roles on a local, regional, and global level at large multinationals.

She joined Crocs in 2022 as Distribution & Logistics EMEA Projects Director, where she took ownership of the mechanisation and automation project of the 42K m2 facility in the Netherlands. She is responsible for the EMEA Hey Dude brand launch, as well as the diverse network efficiencies in 2023 for the company.

WATCH her DELIVER Europe 2023 Keynote: Change Management - the Key to Supply Chain Success!

Key Fact: A Gartner survey found that employees' willingness to support enterprise change collapsed to just 43% in 2022, compared to 74% in 2016

Mobilising Change

“How can you mobilise fast digitalization changes in the supply chain? Because everybody struggles with that. First of all, they think change management is a complete entity that needs to come on board on your project in order to start executing it. And usually, that happens at the very end. That's so wrong. You need to start Change Management from day zero – from the time you get the budget.”

Choosing the Changemakers

“A project manager needs to be a very holistic person. You need somebody influencing others – a very hands-on person that does the work. Not just PowerPointing and chasing people, but behaving like a product owner. They need to live it.”

Mapping the Future

“I think you need to have a roadmap with flexibility. So you need to have an understanding of what is what is your end goal – what will it look like? And that way, you won't build a monster!

Think ‘plug and play'. Work on the things you need. We always forget about the users – but they are the key to change. We're always thinking about data and numbers and not enough about who's going to enter the data, who's going to use this solution.

Then you need to hire a person capable of selling the change. Just like an influencer selling shoes – suddenly everybody really believes in it.”

Why getting these changes right is so important: The Harvard Business Review reports that employees are losing patience with change initiatives

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